Your Trusted Partner In Digital Healthcare Transformation Journey
  • The Right Approach to Digital Healthcare Transformation

    At DIGIHIMS® we use the right approach to help Medical & Healthcare Organizations in their journey toward HIPAA compliant customer-centric digital transformation

DIGIHIMS® - Trusted Partner in your Digital Transformation Journey

Our Best Specialists
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Our Best Specialists

We have the necessary tools, applications, technology & the expertise needed to make Healthcare and Medical Organizations successful  in their Digital Transformation journey.  We understand your challenges, obstacles and most importantly, the goals and objectives you want to accomplish. We are a specialty firm focused in the realm of Healthcare & Medical Industry whether you are a General Physician Practitioner or Specialty Healthcare Service Provider or an intermediary. Digital Transformation journey can be expensive, arduous and complicated unless you have a trusted partner who can walk the steps with you, work closely till your strategic goals are accomplished.

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The Medical Cure program participates in student fairs in select locations. You can always Book an appointment for upcoming events. You can sign up for free alerts and reminders about registration, test preparation and more at the Cure. Feel free to bring a friend or family member to potentially stressful visits.

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With the most advanced tools that the industry has to offer, we do our best to get you the treatment that you need. We are a multidisciplinary team made up of Anesthesiologists, Neurophysiologists, Ophthalmologists and much more who operate in perfect synergy. 

Medical and Healthcare Industry is undergoing tremendous changes

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Here are simple tips for any Healthcare Organization to be ready for Digital Transformation

Electronic Patient Information 

We have out-of-the-box HIPAA compliant solutions for your EHR / EMS needs

Customer Centric

Make your Organization Customer-Centric with 360-degree view focused on best in class customer experience

Our Solutions

Our solutions are the best in class and are industry standards. We follow all the compliance and data security & governance regulations and best practices.  We have qualified professionals on board who specialize in this field.


Book an appointment for consultation to start Healthcare Digital Transformation Journey